FOG (fats, oils and grease) is a major cause of thousands of sewage overflows each year. These overflows create foul odors, clog kitchen drains, and can damage the wastewater system.
A properly maintained grease trap/grease interceptor keeps kitchen waste out of the sewer system. It also helps you avoid costly plumbing issues and keep your establishment in compliance with local regulations. Contact Grease Trap Perth now!

When it comes to reducing the amount of FOG that ends up in municipal sewer pipes, installing a grease trap is a must. It prevents clogs, backups and overflows that can damage plumbing systems and the city’s sewer system. It also helps prevent environmental concerns and odors in surrounding areas. However, it’s important to understand that installing a grease trap isn’t as easy as repairing a faucet or replacing a light bulb. It requires a licensed plumber and a permit from your local plumbing authority. Typically, you’ll need to cut a hole in the floor and connect a drain pipe to the inlet and outlet of the trap. The inlet should be located at the bottom of the trap, and the outlet should be placed above the wastewater line.
The type of grease trap you choose depends on your kitchen’s needs. The most common is the hydromechanical grease trap, which features a series of baffles that collect and hold the grease. This is the most popular option because it’s relatively inexpensive and easy to install. However, it may not be suitable for commercial kitchens that produce large amounts of fat and oil. Another option is the thermocouple grease trap, which uses a series of sensors to detect temperature changes. If the sensor detects that the grease is warm, it will start to evaporate, and then the water in the trap will cool down.
Once the grease has cooled, it will sink to the bottom of the trap and flow out through the outlet. The outlet fitting should be covered with a manhole cover that’s made of solid steel, not cement. The top of the manhole should be sealed with a gasket. The lid should also be made of solid steel and have a lock to keep out debris.
You’ll also need to schedule regular maintenance to keep your grease trap working properly. This will help you avoid costly repairs and compliance fines from the EPA and local health authorities. Ideally, you should have your trap inspected and cleaned by a qualified professional at least every 2 weeks. However, you should know that the frequency of cleaning your grease trap depends on the level of oil and grease in your culinary water.
When used properly, a grease trap can provide your establishment with a safe and sanitary environment. However, it is important to have it cleaned regularly to prevent clogs and other problems that can lead to costly repairs and environmental harm. Keeping your grease traps clean can also help you comply with local health and safety regulations.
Grease traps should be emptied whenever they reach about a quarter of their capacity. This will avoid foul odors, blockages in sink drain lines, and overflows into the sewer system. A professional plumber can inspect and maintain your grease traps to make sure that they are working properly and efficiently.
Cleaning the trap can be a time-consuming task, but it is crucial to the overall efficiency of your kitchen. Use a steel pot scrubber and dish soap to clean the baffle walls, sides, and lid of the trap. Also, use a shop vacuum to suck up waste and grease particles that are stuck in hard-to-reach areas. Discard the sludge and grease in a double-lined garbage bag for proper disposal.
In addition to cleaning your grease traps regularly, you should train your staff on good food handling practices. For instance, you should teach your employees to scrape dishes before washing them to reduce the amount of food and grease that goes down the drain. Additionally, you should encourage them to rinse their hands with hot water before and after handling food.
Regular grease trap maintenance is one of the best ways to keep your plumbing system running smoothly and ensure compliance with local health and safety laws. In order to keep your grease traps in peak condition, you should have them inspected by a licensed plumber every four to six weeks. During this inspection, your plumber will check the baffle walls, outlet fitting and cap, manhole covers, and aerator. They will also clean your sewer line and test the trap for blockages.
During maintenance, your grease traps should be cleaned with a biological product that uses natural bacteria to break down the FOG. Avoid using chemicals or degreaser cleaners, which can kill the natural bacteria and disrupt the grease-breaking process. Moreover, these products may not fully separate the FOG from wastewater and end up flowing down the sewer lines, which can cause expensive clogs and damage to your plumbing system.
A grease trap is a plumbing device that intercepts most fats, oils, and greases before they enter a wastewater disposal system. These pollutants can clog drain pipes and cause sanitary sewer backups. They can also form a thick, sticky sludge that is hard to break down and can pollute water bodies. FOGs in commercial kitchens can also corrode plumbing fixtures and increase the risk of fire. FOG management strategies are critical for foodservice businesses, as they can protect the environment and reduce risks associated with irresponsible waste disposal.
There are several factors that determine how often a grease trap should be cleaned. These include the size of the trap, the volume of wastewater it processes, and the number of sinks or cooking equipment connected to the waste outlet. In addition, the type of trap can affect maintenance and cleaning procedures. For example, passive and manual traps require regular cleanouts and recharging of the pump. Automatic traps, on the other hand, can be removed and emptied in accordance with disposal guidelines.
Commercial kitchens flush a large amount of waste down the drain every day, including food scraps and used cooking oil. The FOGs in these wastewater can cool and solidify, blocking sewer drains. This can lead to blockages, which can cost a business money and damage the environment. To prevent these problems, restaurants should prioritise proper fog management practices by investing in suitable grease traps and ensuring they are cleaned regularly.
The type of trap can be passive or automatic, and it should be sized to the capacity of the kitchen. It should also be constructed from durable materials such as stainless steel, cast iron, or polyethylene. It should have a baffled design that separates the FOG from the wastewater. The lighter FOG floats to the surface while the heavier food particles fall to the bottom of the trap. The trap should be cleaned frequently to keep the FOG content below 25% of its total depth.
Restaurants are obligated to clean their grease traps periodically to avoid fines and penalties from local authorities. The best way to maintain compliance is to work with a licensed, professional grease removal company. They will take care of all the required paperwork and inspections, as well as dispose of the grease according to state regulations. The company should also provide monthly reports that document the frequency of cleaning and maintenance.
If you own a restaurant, food service business, or other establishment that generates a lot of grease, it’s important to install a grease trap. These devices prevent fats, oils, and greases (FOGs) from entering the sewage system, which can cause blockages and costly repairs.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to reduce the cost of installing a grease trap. The most obvious way is to hire a plumber with the necessary skills and experience to complete the job. While this may be an additional expense, it will save you money in the long run by preventing the need for costly repairs and replacements.
Another important factor is the size of the grease trap. It is essential to choose a size that will accommodate your business’s FOG production. Larger traps require less frequent pumping, which can help to cut costs. In addition, you can choose to add chemicals to your grease traps, which can help you pump them out at a lower cadence.
The cost of installing a grease trap can vary from a few hundred dollars to $10,000, depending on the size and type of trap you need. To determine the correct size, you must calculate your building’s waste volume using DFU values. Once you have this number, you can find the right size of grease trap for your business.
While a grease trap can seem expensive, it is an investment that can help you avoid more costly plumbing issues in the future. It is also an environmentally friendly option that can keep your cooking grease out of the environment and allow you to recycle it for animal feed, cooking lubricants, and renewable biofuel.
The installation process of a grease trap can be complicated and expensive, but it’s worth the investment. In addition to purchasing a new grease trap, you’ll need to obtain the proper permits and perform any necessary plumbing work. Lastly, you’ll need to have the grease trap professionally installed to ensure that it works correctly. For the best results, it’s recommended that you work with a licensed plumber. This will ensure that the trap is properly sized and that it meets local regulations.